Developing Computer Skills: MS Office Free Course Launched for ASUE Students

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“The employer attaches great importance to computer skills and knowledge of English after a professional one, and this free course is an excellent opportunity to supplement our knowledge and prepare for the labor market. I attend the trainings with great enthusiasm”; Svetlana Soghomonyan, the 3rd year student of the Department of Management, attendee of the course stated before the start of MS Office course.

MS Office free course is being conducted for the 3rd-4th year full-time Bachelor’s degree students. It’s developed by the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems and was held by Argam Artashyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair, PhD in Economics and Anush Tumanyan, Lecturer. Today, they welcomed the students and encouraged them to attend all meetings.

The course is organized by Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department.

See the schedule and student groups at the active link.

Good luck the course attendees.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division