Modern Issues of Philosophy and Armenian History –Another Scientific Seminar

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Today, scientists of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History conducted another scientific seminar focusing the attendees’ attention on modern issues of Philosophy and Armenian History. The seminar is attended by Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs Tatul Mkrtchyan, Head of the Division of Organization of Scientific-research Affairs Khoren Mkhitaryan, Director of AMBERD research center Davit Hakhverdyan and Deputy Director-Senior Expert of AMBERD Research Center Vardan Atoyan, collaborators.

Tatul Mkrtchyan welcomed the attendees highlighting the reports of Chairs, reaffirmed that the research direction is one of the important ones of the University's activities.

Acting Head of the Chair, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Yuri Hovakanyan and Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Honorary Head of ASUE Chair Aram Sargsyan briefly presented the result of recent years of research (manuals, scientific articles, etc.), as well as the current work and expected results.

Yuri Hovakanyan, Aram Sargsyan, Associate Professor Marieta Nikoghosyan, Assistant Professor Anahit Ghazaryan, Lecturer Arpine Malkjyan presented reports on the issue of national identity in the modern world, the clash of civilizations in line with the globalization of religion, the important historical realities that have kept our national identity intact.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division