The University of Economics and ARMENPRESS News Agency are Partners: MOU Was Signed

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The Armenian State University of Economics and ARMENPRESS news agency launch a wide range of cooperation, which started today by signing a memorandum of understanding by ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and Director of the Agency Aram Ananyan.

The partnership starts with the realization of the importance of cooperation between academic institutions and the media. The range is enough wide: publicizing the activity of the University and AMBERD Research Center, providing expert opinion and professional information to the agency, organizing student internship and joint events, as well as carrying out joint educational initiatives in the field of economics and journalism.

Welcoming the guests ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan noted that ASUE has a wide network of partners, but the partnership with ARMENPRESS news agency is the first among the cooperation with mass media, and we are glad that it starts with such a reputable media outlet. The Rector emphasized that the Main University of Economics is in the period of ongoing reforms, in this context, the creation of a positive image of the University and the cooperation with the media is greatly highlighted.

The Director of ARMENPRESS news agency Aram Ananyan was also glad for the cooperation with ASUE, noting that it becomes a reality due to the efforts of ASUE Rector team. Aram Ananyan emphasized that this is the first chance for the agency to cooperate with high education institute, mentioned that he is aware of the ongoing reforms being carried out at the University of Economics, and expressed his admiration for the activities of AMBERD Research Center. "Indeed, AMBERD is doing a great job, you have managed to accumulate knowledge, skills and experience"; the Director of the agency noted. "I hope that our cooperation will have a much greater outcome than we expect".

After signing the MOU, the Director of the agency visited AMBERD Research Center, got acquainted with the research activities of the Center.

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