New cooperation with Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

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The Armenian State University of Economics expands its international cooperation. Today, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted the acting rector of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Trofimov and Vice-rector for International Relations and Networking Alexander Bedni. ASUE Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan was also present at the meeting.

Welcoming the guests, ASUE rector introduced the main directions of the University of Economics, underlined that internationally ranked "Amberd" research center operates in ASUE, as well as presented the exchange and educational programs. Underlining the close cooperation of ASUE with Russian universities, the rector expressed her willingness to further discuss new opportunities in all directions.

Acting Rector Oleg Trofimov expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality, afterwards introduced the activities of their university and underlined that they are deeply interested in the implementation of exchange, research and joint grant programs as well.

Vice-rector Tatul Mkrtchyan spoke about possibilities to conduct joint conferences, discussions, and research programs and underlined that the scientific direction has a great potential for cooperation.

The business meeting was finalized by the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation.