"CREATE YOUR BUSINESS: Ideaton-2021”: Quick Charge Team Won

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Today, the three-day-competition on "CREATE YOUR BUSINESS: Ideaton-2021” organized by the European Union-funded program “Increased Resilience of Syrian Armenians and Host Population” – IRIS,  IRIS Business Incubator and ASUE Change Lab was summed up.

On June 7-9, ASUE hosted 23 students from different Universities of Armenia, who were inspired by the motto of the competition "Everything starts with a business idea", freely expressed their real and unreal ideas, listened to professional observations from business consultants. During the three days, Narine Terzyan, Executive Director of the EU IRIS Business Incubator, Misha Poghosyan and Mkhitar Balayan, marketing and business operations experts, held interactive meetings, lectured on differences between business and entrepreneurship, idea realization toolkit, presentation skills, marketing and other directions. The logical continuation of all this was the discussions-debates, the generation of ideas and their competent presentation with the help of experts.

According to the authors of the initiative, the competition fulfilled its main tasks: to stimulate interest in entrepreneurship among young people, to put ideas on paper, to share business knowledge, and confidently to bring the idea to life, to apply for scholarship and development programs.

According to the terms of the competition, 5 teams were formed from the pre-selected participants, who developed their business idea supported by experts during 2 days and on the 3rd day, they presented it to the jury.

Here are the members of the jury: Narine Terzyan, Executive Director of the EU IRIS Business Incubator, Artak Aslanyan Director of Change Lab, Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, business experts Nune Zadoyan, Alin Masrlyan and Gohar Grigoryan from IRIS business incubator.

The summarized results were presented by Narine Nasibyan, IRIS Business Incubator Program Coordinator and event organizer. According to which, the winner was the Quick Charge team, the top teams were VR Tourism 2, Agro drone, Lingo and Real work team. Congratulating the participants, Narine Nasibyan stated that it had been mentioned that only the best team would have the opportunity to have an internship in Change Lab, but it was decided to give the opportunity to all the participants, so they can develop their ideas, apply to SPARK program and get funding to bring the idea to life.

While being interviewed Artak Aslanyan told asue.am that the young people participated in the competition with enthusiasm, and each day was full of creative and practical work.

"Many of the participants came with their business idea, they enriched it here, and the rest of the participants develop business ideas during these days. Our mission is to strengthen their ideas and, as a mentor, to guide them, which we will carry out in the next 2 weeks in Change Lab. Thus, this competition was not only an ideaton, but also a platform for establishing new connections, searching for perspectives and exchanging experience"; Artak Aslanyan noted.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division