Visit of ASUE Dean to RISEBA University

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From April 15th to 19th, as part of the "Erasmus+" international mobility program, Narek Kesoyan, Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization at the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), undertook a visit to RISEBA University of Applied Sciences in Latvia.

During his visit, the dean conducted productive meetings with key stakeholders at RISEBA University, including Anna Kvelde, Director of RISEBA's Public Relations and Advertising Management Program, Anta Bute, Head of the Marketing Department, Laima Zagare, the Head of the "Erasmus+" Program, Karlis Plox, Marketing and Advertising Specialist, and various representatives of the university's administrative and academic staff.

These discussions served as a platform for the ASUE dean to introduce the university’s current achievements and forthcoming initiatives to RISEBA University partners. Additionally, agreements were reached to enhance bilateral relations between these institutions, explore collaborative opportunities in joint grant projects, and foster cooperation in research endeavors and academic programs.