Results Discussion, Regulation Approvals and Voting at the Scientific Board's Session

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ASUE Scientific Board’s session was held today. Paruyr Kalantaryan, Vice-Rector on Educational-Methodological Matters, reported on the results of the 2nd semester exams and final attestation process of the 2017-2018 academic year and the defense of master thesis. The Scientific Board evaluated the done work satisfactory.
The Chairman of the Competition Commission, Professor Aram Sargsyan presented the issues of awarding professor and associate professor degree. Professor degree nominees were Liana Grigoryan, head of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Auditing, Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Sergey Sukiasyan, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Associate Professor of the chair of Finance. Associate professor degree nominee was Armen Ghazaryan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems. The secret ballot was organized and as a result the academic degrees of the professor was awarded to Liana Grigoryan and Armen Ghazaryan was awarded the Associate professor degree. Then the Scientific Board confirmed the results by voting and decided to send them to the Supreme Certifying Committee.
Vice-rector Paruyr Kalantaryan also presented the regulations for the ASUE quality assurance expert group activity, which was approved with one additional recommendation. Presenting the results of the admission for 2018-2019 academic year the Vice-rector said that 411 applicants have been admitted to our University this year, 301 applicants for the Full-time Master’s degree program, 105 applicants for the part-time bachelor’s and 243 applicants for the part-time master’s degree programs. The done work of the Admission Committee was evaluated satisfactory.
Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan reported on the regulations on mobility in the framework of "Erasmus +" Program at ASUE and it was approved. Vice-Rector also reported on some issues connected with the dissertation topics and scientific leaders, which were confirmed. He also presented a number of teaching aids, task book and analytical reports, which were approved to publication.
All the approved regulations and decisions soon will be available on the official website of ASUE.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division