“Innovation Economics”: New Master’s Degree Program

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Dear Applicants,

the dozens of new Master's degree programs to be introduced at ASUE is summarized by the “Innovation Economics” program, which aims to provide innovative and creative thinking, as well as preparing competitive professionals with practical skills who will be able to solve business problems in difficult and intense market competition and complex management issues related to technological modernization, such as the creation of new, competitive products and market advancement.

New Master's degree programs will be implemented:

  • 1,5 years,
  • with the involvement of the best specialists in the field,
  • three times a week,
  • considering students' preferences, either from 14.00 or 18.15
  • internship in the employers' organizations   immediately after trainings.

Dear applicants,

the details of the program will be available throughout the year at the "Admission" section of ASUE official website (asue.am). See details  of "Innovation Economics” Master's degree program.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division