e-Buh Automatized System of Administration of Educational Process

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The first outcomes of e-Buh automatized system of administration of educational process invested at Armenian State University of Economics. The system is embedded in the academic life of the University with all its components.

Samvel Hovhannisyan, Head of Electronic Equipment Maintenance and Software Division, and Hripsime Osipyan submitted the information noting that printing of diploma attachments with this system has the advantage over the traditional printing method: first, all the attachments were brought in a single format, software interference reduced the likelihood of errors, a significant saving of time and material costs was recorded.

Samvel Hovhannisyan emphasized that the process of implementation of the system is fully used in almost all Faculties.

Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, has been operating the system since the beginning of this year. Working closely with the team of developers, he received the software and began the whole process of investing.

We'll touch upon the outcomes of e-Buh operation in other Faculties at ASUE soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division