ASUE Representatives Attended Coordination Meeting of REFINE Project in Amsterdam

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On October 17-18, coordination meeting within the frames of Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova (REFINE) was held in Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Vard Ghukasyan, Head of International Relations Division and Arpine Jraghatspanyan, Chief Specialist of the same Division, represented ASUE.

According to the submitted information, the outcomes and effectiveness of the trainings on modern teaching methods within the frames of the project, as well as the courses on reforming the Corporate Finance Master’s degree program were discussed and summed up during the working meetings .

Each University presented the admission results of Corporate Finance specialization for 2019-2020 academic year, project sustainability strategy, the activities of the final year of the project and their deadlines are planned.

It should be emphasized that due to the work done under the REFINE project, the reformed Corporate Finance course for 2019-2020 has registered growth, that’s, the number of students increased by 75% (28 students) compared to the same period of last year (16 students).

P.S. International Relations Division of Foreign Relations Department coordinates REFINE project at ASUE . See more information at “International Programs” section.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division