EduTrend: ASUE hosted the first all-university project

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The first meeting of the EduTrend project entitled "Business in a Changing World" was hosted by the University of Economics, and students from ASUE and other Armenian universities took part in it. The project goal is to promote activities of young people, improve the level of education, and arouse interest in non-formal and self-education.

The co-founder of the EduTrend project, Mane Bareghamyan, held the opening speech, and honored the possibility to start the project in one of the best universities of the country.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan had a welcoming speech, underlining the fact that after graduation, ASUE graduates should not only become employees, but also put their business ideas into action.

The first speaker was Aram Pakhchanyan, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of "AYB" educational foundation. He introduced the topic "The Importance of Higher Education in Business".

One of the topical issues of the event's panel discussion was "AI Literacy: What are the demanding skills of the 21st century?' Participants were Hayk Margaryan, Executive Director of the National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Karen Vardanyan, Partner of Formula VC, Fund Manager of Sprint Crowdfunders' Fund, Arsen Yeghiazaryan CEO of Portmind, co-founder of DataFest Yerevan, Aghasi Tavadyan, Founder and Executive Director of, Mariam Davtyan, Founder of Zeemust LLC, and the moderator was Edgar Karapetyan, business consultant, expert in business strategy, development and corporate innovation, director of strategy and innovation of the Galaxy Group.

ASUE Vice-Rector for Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatul Mkrtchyan had a final speech on "Inspiration and Motivation: success story".

Event photos are on ASUE Facebook page.