Being a scientist for a woman is not a prerogative but the combination of being a woman and a scientist is fabulous”: Evgenia Bazinyan

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The work experience of the Head of ASUE Chair of Economic and Mathematical Methods, Ph.D., Associate Professor Yevgenya Bazinyan has started and continues at ASUE. During the defense of her final thesis, the outstanding student was offered to continue her research work and apply for her postgraduate studies. Thus her teaching career intertwined with her research work has started. The defense of her dissertation was followed by the offer to manage the ASUE post-graduate division.

Yevgenya Bazinyan currently manages ASUE Chair of Economic and Mathematical Methods that she has been managing for a year. While being an associate professor of the Chair, during this and previous years, she was able to prove by her own example that making data-based decisions in various situations by the means of economic and mathematical methods is an indicator of economic, mathematical knowledge, as well as unique perception and research of vital phenomena which, apart from being a profession, turns into an applied skill as well.

Over the years, she has received dozens of tempting job offers, but she points out that she cannot leave her university. "I don't know where this sort of affection and dependence stems from. I don't consider it right when people work in the same place for a long time period, but most of my conscious life, 22 years, has been spent at ASUE.

Yevgenya Bazinyan points out that scientific activity is the key feature for the lecturer. "The time of faded papers has long gone, and if you are not engaged in science, you cannot even supervise a thesis. The lecturer must always be trendy, play the role of a mentor for the student, and guide them. Gone are the days when the main source of information was the lecturer, and professional books in Armenian were scarce. Now, in the days of this information "flood", the lecturer should strive to be at least one step ahead and become that mentor”.

Evgenya Bazinyan, who is also strict towards herself and her personality and activities, closely monitors the new scientific developments, designs and publishes papers in prestigious international journals. It is certain that there is no local science: whatever you do, whatever you make public, must be acceptable by the international scientific community as well, therefore, it is not enough to be published in local journals, so that to have the trust of local scientists.

The scientist-pedagogue is currently involved in the research groups of the university, she is a member of the expert council of the Amberd Research Center, as well as in the editorial board of the Messenger of ASUE scientific journal, and she is going to publish 2 more papers soon.

It is noteworthy that Yevgenya Bazinyan never forgets about the fact that she is a woman and invests her femininity, image, and nature not only in work matters, but also in everyday life. "Women always have their own say and role. Being a scientist for a woman is not a prerogative but the combination of being a woman and a scientist is fabulous."