Results of the reporting year and new goals: extended session of the ASUE Scientific Council was held

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On December 22, an extended session of the Scientific Council was held at the University of Economics, where not only members of the Scientific Council, but members of the academic and administrative staff and students were present. Chairperson of the Scientific Council, Rector Diana Galoyan introduced the annual report of ASUE for 2023 and budget of income and expenditure for 2024.

The Rector attached importance to the approval of the development strategy of ASUE for 2023-2027, and underlined that the document addressing the key directions of the university's five-year activity plan will guide the activities in the coming years by consistent implementation of the main objectives. The head of the university underlined the fact that 2023 was the first year of the university's new strategy implementation, so the report was structured in line with these strategic objectives.

At the end of the report, members of ASUE Scientific Council held speeches, highly evaluating the works done in the university in the current year.

The report submitted by the Rector at the extended session of the Scientific Council was approved. The head of the university expressed her gratitude for the effective work.

After the discussion of the items of the agenda, the Scientific Council continued its activities with the main staff present. Current issues have been discussed, including the approval of the dissertation topics and scientific supervisors, as well as "New Information and Educational Technologies" lectures developed by PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems Argam Artashyan was guaranteed for the publication.