Professor of the University of Florida USA Gary Vanlandingham visited ASUE

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ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted Professor of the University of Florida USA, director of Public Management program Gary Vanlandingham visiting ASUE at the invitation of the lecturer of the chair of ASUE Banking and Insurance, PhD in Economics Hayk Bejanyan. Director of External Relations Department of ASUE Lusine Danielyan and head of International Relations Division Anzhelika Musayelyan were present at the meeting.

The rector presented ASUE educational and scientific activities including achievements of Amberd Research Center and highlighted that Amberd is in the leading 100 think tanks of the world and addressing the internationalization, pointed out that it is one of the main directions of the university. Lusine Danielyan presented international programs of ASUE that the Professor can have his contribution as well.

Gary Vanlandingham expressed his gratitude for the warm attitude, presented the University of Florida and its study programs and his personal willingness to assist the cooperation with ASUE.

Afterwards, Professor lectured ‘Evidence-Informed Policymaking – approaches and opportunities’ to students. He later mentioned his satisfaction with his meeting with students. After the lecture, he visited Amberd Research Center and discussed cooperation opportunities with director of the center Davit Hakhverdyan.

The professor visited Armenia within the program of “Development of Performance Audit in the RA” that is implemented within the program of Professional Fellowship program, with the assistance of US Department of State and American Councils.