Director of Tbilisi regional office of DAAD Gebhard Reul was at ASUE

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Within the cooperation of ASUE – DAAD, director of Tbilisi regional office of German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD) Gebhard Reul and coordinator of scholarship and study programs Arevik Harutyunyan were hosted at the University of Economics on May 10.

During their meeting with ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and head of International Relations Division Anzhelika Musayelyan, the guests pointed out that besides the scholarships, DAAD also assists the internationalization of universities, strengthens the spread of German studies and German Language knowledge in foreign countries. They were delighted to point out that cooperation with ASUE is on solid grounds with expansion opportunities.

While welcoming the guests, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan highlighted the fact that the University of Economics attaches importance to processes of internationalization that enable us to improve quality higher education.

Online meeting is planned to be held in the nearest future and DAAD staff will present opportunities of their programs for ASUE lecturers and researchers.

During the informational meeting with ASUE students and lecturers, the guests presented scholarship programs offered by DAAD and opportunities to study at German universities.

DAAD was established in 1925 in Heidelberg. The aim is to assist the youth to carry out their education or research in Germany and other countries.

For more detailed information, see the Armenian version.