ASUE Scientists Attended HEIFYE Regular Workshop

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On February 18-20, 2019, Diana Galoyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Professor, and Tatul Mkrtchyan, Dean of the Department of Marketing and Business Organization, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor attended regular workshop of Higher Education Institutions for Youth Entrepreneurship (HEIFYE) held in RISEBA University, Riga (Latvia) and on February 21-22, attended 12th Annual Scientific Baltic Business Management Conference ASBBMC 2019 entitled “Foreseeing Challenges and Opportunities for Organizations at the Macro and Micro level” organized by the same University. ASUE scientists presented reports on “Peculiarities of the RA Youth Labor Market” (Diana Galoyan) and “Youth Entrepreneurship Development Problems in the RA” (Tatul Mkrtchyan).

In addition, Diana Galoyan and Tatul Mkrtchyan attended "New Approaches to Business Development" qualification improvement program organized by RISEBA University with distance and full-time (108 hours) participation in 3 courses – “Business and global development”, “Business Analytics Finance Project”, “International Business Environment of Latvia” and were awarded certificates.

Diana Galoyan submitted the information and recalled that HEIFYE project aimed at intensifying youth entrepreneurship in the context of European integration both within countries and between the Eastern Partnership countries and the European Union with use of the experience of creating successful business models in the Eastern Partnership countries. The project has launched since December, 2017 and will be over on March, 2019 by the meeting to be held in Moldova. The project coordination at ASUE is being carried out by the Chair of International Economic Relations.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division