Visit to Military Unit: Parents of Student-soldiers Met their Sons

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The Student Council of Armenian State University of Economics organized unique event supported by the University Leadership on Armenian Army Day: giving festive mood to ASUE students serving in Karvachar military unit and pupils of the same district. On February 23, SC members, students, parents and relatives of ASUE student-soldiers went Artsakh, visited the Karvachar military unit, then the district school. ASUE Media and Public Relations Division talked to Hovhannes Harutyunyan, the SC President.

After reaching the military unit, the students enjoyed the exciting moments of soldier-parent meeting, then talked to them, awarded letters of gratitude on behalf of the University (ASUE 25 students are currently serving in this military unit). Our University gifted a computer to the military unit. A group of students of Yerevan State Conservatory, who joined the group of our University students visiting Artsakh, had musical performances, encouraged the soldiers with songs and dances.

ASUE members left for a district school, where children of the officers of Karvachar military unit are studying. Students gifted pupils the pre-collected books and sweets.

The positive responses from parents and soldiers, students and teachers inspired the organizers of the event. The SC President noted that they would conduct similar events in the future.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division