Chairman of ASUE Board: University of Economics Should Issue Qualified and Competitive Professionals

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The Board of Armenian State University of Economics has already conducted two sessions since the beginning of the year, established reports for 2018, as well as the University new structure. Vahan Movsisyan, the Board Chairman, President of “Communities Finance Officers Association” NGO, has met the University Student Council members, and plans to meet several ASUE subdivisions. Here we present the interview with Vahan Movsisyan.

-Dear Mr. Movsisyan, Armenian State University of Economics has entered a new stage of development, which are the priority and main tasks?

-The main goal of our University is to prepare qualified specialists for Armenia, in this regard we have a lot to do. Today there are many problems, some of which should be mentioned as a priority. We should pay great attention to the quality of education, the teaching process, the professional level of the teaching staff. The Faculty staff should have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills according to up-to-date requirements, at the same time to think about finding new ways to motivate them. We should discuss the issue of involving specialists with authority and experience in the educational process. Working with the applicants is one of the priority tasks, we should visit high schools, present our programs, all the attractive aspects of the university and engage students.

Of course, I think that we have no right to change the rules of the game at once, but in general, if nothing will change, it means that the current trend will be continued. We should set new requirements and standards for each new generation each year. On the other hand, we should be categorical for some problems. This is practically about the practice of reproduction, plagiarism, which is unacceptable, and we should fight against this situation without compromise.

- What are the problems facing the Boards of higher education institutions, what are the programs of our Board and what is the involvement in the University management?

-You know, it’s a very good question, because only the University charter still does not reflect on the Board's activities, as the information contained therein is purely the authority of the Board. Actually, we are glad to state that people from different spheres are united in ASUE Board and want really to contribute to the University development and to make suggestions, ideas. I get letters and suggestions from the Board members, which is very pleasing. The Board, being the highest governing body, can deal with any issue related to the University. It can not deal with executive functions, but it can come up with suggestions, recommendations, follow up on the process, analyze the outcomes and take appropriate steps, and this is a great tool.

Speaking about the current stage of the Board activity, we should state the structural change that has already been done for the administrative staff was the main one. Probably, the same process should be done for Departments and specialties, which, of course, the University Rectorate and the Scientific Board understand better, and the Board should also support. I attach great importance to the development of the existing specialties, as well as the creation of new ones, which will be more focused on the labor market, a large number of applicants will be led to the University, and will increase the university reputation.

There are some ideas to be discussed in the Board now. The issue, which is very important and has recently been discussed at the meeting with the Minister, is about the organizational-legal form of higher education institutions. I think this issue will be resolved soon, of course with the support of the state authorized body.

I want to emphasize one important thing: all problems should be solved with the important idea that the next year should be better than the previous one, and we should able to do this. I do not want to be one of the regular Boards that came and passed. I want our Board to be real and tangible change in ASUE life, and if not, at least, we should prepare preconditions for the next one to be able to make those changes.

-At our university, headed by acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan, a number of steps have been taken that have received positive public feedback. It’s particularly about eliminating the mediations, the lectures conducted on dictation methodologies, creating a network of alumni, introducing short-term courses, and increasing the hourly-paying teaching fees. How do you evaluate the work done?

-Of course, I am aware of the responses of Mr. Hayrapetyan's activity and we often talk about different directions of the University development. I welcome the work done, especially I want to emphasize the importance of creating a network of alumni. It is a great potential that can greatly contribute to the University development, Faculty staff, University reputation and involvement of new students, and that resource should be used correctly.

- Mr. Movsisyan, during the last session of the Board you expressed a desire to meet with the Student Council and it took place. What was the purpose of the meeting and what discussion did you have? In general, what kind of cooperation offers do you have with the University students?

-Yes, it is very important for me to communicate, to work with students. The meeting aimed at recognizing them, getting acquainted with the activities of the Student Council, its problems, in order to touch upon those problems while developing University policy in the future. I liked that they were simple, open, not afraid of expressing their opinion, had some complaints regarding the educational process. Considering, that our main task is to provide qualified education, we still have a problem of forming a young citizen of Armenia without touching their individuality, creating conditions for understanding, manifesting, perceiving and analyzing values. In this regard, the SC is of great importance, so it should do its best to organize this process and to attract more students to its ranks.

Our future meetings and contacts with students will be continuous.

-Do You have other initiatives to meet other subdivisions and University staff ?

-Yes, I have scheduled such meetings, but there are no clear dates at this moment. I hope, there will be such opportunities soon.

-What messages do you have for the ASUE staff and students?

-My main message to all of us is to remember that the main and most important goal of our University is to provide qualified education. All other ideas are derivative and all our efforts should be aimed at issuing qualified and competitive professionals.

Thank you for your interview.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division