Memorandum of Understanding between ASUE and International Cultural Communication Center of Malaysia has been signed

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On January 16, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics Diana Galoyan, Director of the External Relations Department Lusine Danielyan and Head of the Division of International Relations Anzhelika Musayelyan took part in the online signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between ASUE and the International Cultural Communication Center of Malaysia (ICCCM).

Director of Malaysia International Cultural Communication Center Lu Hui Ann, Deputy Director Benjamin Leong Tak Khang and Program Coordinator Nasridi Aslidin were present at the online event.

Welcoming the guests, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan introduced the university, its international projects and expressed confidence that the Memorandum of Understanding will deepen the further cooperation.

Lu Hui Ann, Director of the International Cultural Communication Center of Malaysia, expressed gratitude to ASUE rector for accepting the proposal of cooperation hoping that the cooperation will be effective.

The memorandum envisages the organization of joint training courses, online lectures and seminars, as well as implementation of international exchange programs.