ASUE and the official representative of 1C company iNFOEXPERT are partners

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iNFOEXPERT, the official representative of 1C company in Armenia has become partner of ASUE. Today, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted the head of the company Aram Grigoryan. Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE Department of External Affairs, Tatev Vardanyan, Head of Career Center, and Mariam Sahakyan, Marketing Specialist of iNFOEXPERT were present at the meeting.

ASUE rector introduced professional educational programs offered by the university, underlining that the University of Economics prepares specialists in professions highly demanded in the labor market. Diana Galoyan meticulously presented the activities of the university in terms of volunteering, internship organization and other directions, emphasizing that ASUE not only provides fundamental knowledge to its students, but also transfers skills necessary in the labor market.

Director of iNFOEXPERT, Aram Grigoryan, introduced the company's activities, pointing out that 26 years in a row, it has been specializing in the design, dissemination and support of individual business automation solutions based on 1C software, that provides not only accounting, but also systems of resource management, partner relations, personnel management and document circulation systems via automation of accounting and management processes.

At the end of the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed, which determines internship, volunteering and work opportunities of ASUE students at iNFOEXPERT Company.