Non-formal Education Format: the guest was the co-founder of the First Business School in Armenia

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Vadim Grigoryan, associate professor, head of Marketing chair has initiated a range of events, where marketing specialists deliver practical lectures and presentations in the sphere of marketing. Today’s guest was Tsovinar Sargsyan, the co-founder of the First Business School in Armenia. Vadim Grigoryan, associate professor Lilit Dadayan, 2-4th year bachelor’s and master’s students attended the event. The topic of the event was "Business Modeling and Visualization of the Idea". After welcoming speech, the students formed three working groups that would represent companies in three spheres: tourism, clothing and sweets, and develop their business models. Vadim Grigoryan noted that the non-formal education format with the participation of the invited specialists was a wonderful environment for effective teamwork, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, working in the business environment with their own ideas, so the events of this kind would be continuous. The topics of the future events will be chosen by the students. The next one will be dedicated to the project management.

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