International workshop was hosted at ASUE

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On May 11 and 12, ASUE hosted "Mapping key challenges to sustainability transitions in agriculture and food production towards greater autonomy in Armenia and beyond” workshop that was organized by ASUE, ANAU and the Swedish University of Södertjörn, funded by the Baltic and Eastern European Research Fund.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan has welcomed all the participants of the workshop. While introducing the University of Economics concerning its educational and scientific directions, internationalization, provision of infrastructure and other aspects, the rector meticulously presented the effective experience of implementing international programs, including dozens of successful examples of cooperation with global leading universities and high-ranked institutions.

Expressing his gratitude for the warm hospitality and the organization of the workshop on high level, Professor Björn Hassler from Södertjörn University expressed his hope that all the speeches, discussions, and exchange of ideas will raise interest in all the parties.

Dozens of speeches were held at the workshop, namely the reports of representatives of ANAU, Oslo and Södertjörn universities, and ICARE. Samvel Avetisyan, senior expert at ASUE "Amberd" Research Center, introduced the topic "Digitalization of the Agricultural Sector in Armenia and the Development of Smart Centers in Rural Areas". Gharib Harutyunyan, director of "Kompas" Research Center, lecturer of ASUE Gyumri branch, also introduced his report.