ASUE Employee lectured at the University of Rzeszów

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From June 3-7, 2024, within the frames of the "Erasmus+" program, PhD in Economics Gayane Tovmasyan, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Business Administration, a senior researcher at ASUE "Amberd" Research Center visited the University of Rzeszów in Poland. The visit aimed to exchange experiences and explore the overall activities of various university departments. Moreover, preliminary arrangements were made to undertake joint research projects in the future.

Gayane Tovmasyan delivered a series of lectures to students in the "Tourism" educational program at the University of Rzeszów. The topics covered included "Tourism Development Trends in the World," "The Positive and Negative Aspects of Tourism and the Need for Sustainable Tourism Development," "Green Certificates and Eco-labels in the Tourism Business," and "The Use of Smart Technologies in the Field of Tourism."

According to Gayane Tovmasyan, the exchange program provided an excellent opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas, and gaining valuable experience.

Photos are on ASUE official Facebook page.