Informational Evening for ASUE MA Applicants

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On June 7, the Armenian State University of Economics introduced a new format for engaging prospective master's degree applicants through an event entitled "Master's Educational Networking." Held in the ASUE courtyard, this informative and enjoyable evening featured booths staffed by our partners, including heads of educational programs, professors, as well as graduates. They provided comprehensive overviews of various master's degree programs, highlighted their advantages, introduced admission procedures, and discussed career prospects in more details.

Dear applicants,

We would like to remind you that as of June 3, admissions for the full-time master's programs at the Armenian State University of Economics have started.

Applicants are required to register through the platform and submit their documents to the ASUE Admission Commission.

For application details, please refer to the attached video.

Further information about the process can be found here.

Master's degree programs are outlined here.

Threshold exam questions are available here.

To view the photo gallery, please visit the ASUE official Facebook page.