"Literature is a Way to Speak About People": Writer Grig - the Guest of the Literary Club

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Today , the first meeting of the newly established grammar-cultural club of ASUE Chair of Languages was held – a talk with a modern prose writer, RA President's Award winner - Grig.

On the first day of spring, the readers of the University, culture lovers and people interested in literature were brought together around the discussion on the topics of books, the image of a modern writer, creativity and inspiration.

Lusine Harutyunyan, Head of the Chair of Languages, lecturers attended the meeting.

Lilit Hakobyan, a lecturer of the Chair of Languages, welcomed the participants, introduced the guest – Grig and noted that the literature is greatly highlighted in formation and development of an individual, the integration of his image, and the talk with the writer was conducted by Taguhi Gevorgyan, a 1st year student of ASUE Faculty of Management, head of the "Meeting with a Modern Writer" group.

In his welcoming speech, Grig thanked for the invitation ․ "Thank you for such a caring attitude towards literature".

The first event of the Literary Club was warm, sincere and inspiring, developing and revitalizing.

The meetings are continuous.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division