Master’s students visited the Visitor Center of the RA Central Bank

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On October 27, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the national currency, Karen Grigoryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, acting head of the Macroeconomics Chair, initiated a visit of Master’s students of Macroeconomic Analysis specialization to the Visitor Center of the RA Central Bank. The information was provided by Macroeconomics Chair. The Visitor Center has been created taking into consideration the best practices of Central Banks in European countries and, of course, the peculiarities of Armenia. Unlike the other countries, the aim of the Visitor Center of RA Central Bank is to raise public awareness on the CB's activities and role. The activity of the Center is also aimed to students. It is also remarkable that the thematic lectures are held for special groups.

The students of the Chair of Macroeconomics and Karen Grigoryan express their gratitude to the Coordinator of the Central Bank's Visitor Center Angela Gevorgyan for presenting useful and interesting information.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division