Musical Measure Dedicated to Komitas 150th Anniversary

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Soghomon Gevorg Soghomonyan – Komitas: great favored of Armenian national song, Armenian composer, singer, musical ethnographer, musicologist, master and teacher, pedagogue, founder of Armenian national composer school. The 150th anniversary of Komitas is celebrated this year.

Heghine Hakhnazaryan, the 3rd year student, has initiated and directed the measure dedicated to Komitas 150th anniversary and talented students of Komitas State Conservatory Shushan Krpoyan, Vahagn Vardanyan, Ani Nazaryan, Anush Mirzakhanyan, Suren Gasparyan, Arsen Zakaryan were invited as musician-performers.

Art lovers of ASUE Faculty members, collaborators and students were invited and enjoyed the wonderful measure.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division