ASUE Hosted Professors of Warsaw School of Economics

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Our University has hosted Mariusz Prochniak, Head of Faculty of Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, Associate Professor and Bartosz Witkowski, Associate Professor of the same University, Head of Probability Methods Department, within the frames of EU “Erasmus +” program. The guests held a 8-hour-training course for the students of the Chair of Macroeconomics, attended by the professors of the mentioned Chair.

Mariusz Prochniak submitted information on the general idea of economic growth, as well as commented on the supply and demand factors affecting economic growth and made a comparative analysis of other economic and macroeconomic indicators of Poland and other EU countries within the frames of “Economic Growth” course.

Today, Bartosz Witkowski drew attention of the 3rd year students of economics specialty and the 1st year students of macroeconomic analysis on gross domestic product calculation methods using econometric modeling, considering the factors affecting its change (based on EU Member States' data).

When interviewing Karen Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor expressed gratitude to ASUE Foreign Relations Division for inviting the professors and added that he held a professional discussion on modern teaching methods of “Macroeconomics” course with Mariusz Prochniak yesterday. “The professor stated that he is impressed with ASUE students' professional skills and English knowledge. We have already reached an agreement for further inter-chair interaction”; the Head of Chair stated.

In addition, Foreign Relations Division announces that other exchange lectures are planned for the current academic year, in particular, within the frames of "Staff Training Week" event, ASUE will host professors of a number of foreign HEIs.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division