Meeting at ASUE within the frames of the T-GREEN project

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Օn September 11, within the “Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN) Erasmus+ project implemented at the Armenian State University of Economics, the expert of the project, Director of External Affairs Department of the ASUE Lusine Danielyan, and the ASUE coordinator of the project, Head of the Fundraising division, Nerses Gevorgyan had a meeting with the lecturers of the Chair of Environmental Economics with the purpose of exchanging experience.

During the meeting, main goals and upcoming actions of the T-GREEN project were presented. Anna Karapetyan and Nora Ayvazyan, lecturers of the Chair of Environmental Economics of the ASUE presented the topics of the workshop held at the Hellenic International University (Thessaloniki, Greece), particularly, they shared the experience of "green" educational programs of partner universities, national and institutional policies, and discussed the joint educational programs and course modules developed within the framework of the project, as well as the "green policy" and sustainable development goals.

T-GREEN is a project aimed at reforming master's education system in universities, and the "Green" policy is its cornerstone. Capacity building of national and institutional administrators, decision and policymakers, educators, researchers, and students to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals targeting environmental issues into policies and educational content are at the core of the project.

Armenian participants of the project are RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, Sports, National Quality Assurance Center, Yerevan State University, Eurasia International University, State University of Economics of Armenia, French University of Armenia, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Armenian National Agrarian University, Goris State University, Gavar State University, “Erasmus Students’ Network Yerevan” NGO and “Bridge of Hope” NGO.

EU partners are Hellenic International University (Greece), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Catholic University of Portugal (Portugal) and Jagiellonian University (Poland).