Meeting with High School principals

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On April 26, within the frames of strengthening the university-school connection, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics Diana Galoyan met some principals of high schools of Armenia.

Welcoming those present, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan highlighted the fact that university-school cooperation is not effective although there are some positive trends as a systematized approach in the professional orientation of the schoolchildren still lacks.

“We would like to be the university that will take real actions in that direction and will try to deepen the cooperation with you that will assist the professional orientation of schoolchildren and prepare high quality specialists” – Diana Galoyan pointed out and said that thanks to hard work and devotion of those present many bright schoolchildren with good knowledge enter the university.

Head of Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan introduced the activities of Alma Mater (University of Economics), position of ASUE in the international rankings, its infrastructures, admissions, international exchange programs, possibility to study abroad, effective cooperation with employers, reimbursement of tuition fees, numerous programs, short-term courses etc. She also pointed out that ASUE will organize a conference “Economic education in high schools” in the nearest future and a three-day summer school will be organized for schoolchildren from high schools at the university.

Principals of the educational institutions spoke about problems connected with educational processes and some ideas were exchanged on future discussions and solutions. The rector pointed out that it is of utmost importance to listen to the opinions and evaluation of high school principals for the implementation of joint programs, and perspectives of future developments of university-school cooperation.

Diana Galoyan also advised the partners to visit “Education and Career EXPO- 2022” exhibition together with high school students to get information about faculties, specialties, admission regulations and get some surprises.

The rector of ASUE awarded certificates to “The best partner” and the Effective Cooperation with ASUE in 2020/2021and 2021/2022 to two dozens of school principals.

In the end, the guests walked around the university to get familiar with university environment.