ASUE representatives participated in the international project held in Moldova

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On November 27-29, ASUE coordinator, Head of ASUE Fund-raising Division Nerses Gevorgyan, ASUE Vice-rector for Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatul Mkrtchyan, Director of "Amberd" Research Center, Doctor of Economics, Professor Davit Hakhverdyan, Senior Researcher of the "Amberd" Research Center, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Anna Pakhlyan took part in the finalization of the results of the project "Expansion of opportunities for cooperation in the research field" held in Chisinau (Moldova) funded by the Swedish Institute.

At the opening ceremony, Vice-Rector Tatul Mkrtchyan held a welcoming speech, underlining the efforts aimed at the internationalization of research. Nerses Gevorgyan introduced the report of the activities and results achieved at ASUE within the frames of the "Expansion of opportunities for cooperation in the research field" program.

During the meeting with the representatives of the partner universities, preliminary arrangements have been made concerning the future cooperation.