ASUE students took part in the international training course held in Georgia

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On November 21-30, within the frames of the cooperation between the Armenian State University of Economics and "Creative Youth" NGO, students of ASUE Faculty of Accounting and Audit Grigor Grigoryan, Gor Ayvazyan, Martin Badalyan, students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics Gagik Grigoryan and Avetis Ghazaryan participated in the international training course entitled "Let's Get Digital" held in Kobuletti (Georgia).

During those 10 days, our students got familiar with the delegates of Georgia, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, and Belgium. The course comprised lectures, teamwork on marketing, advertising, social networks, and digital tools. Our students had the opportunity to teach at a Georgian college by means of unique games and teamwork. "It was extremely pleasant and binding to teach students being older than us," Gor Ayvazyan pointed out.