Narek Karapetyan has lectured at Bratislava University of Economics and Management

02.05.2023 Amberd
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Narek Karapetyan, lecturer of ASUE Chair of Macroeconomics, expert at "Amberd" research center, PhD in economics, has lectured at Bratislava University of Economics and Management (Slovakia) within the frames of "Erasmus+" international credit mobility program. He has lectured on "Structural Reforms as an Instrument to Accelerate the Economic Growth in the Developing Countries" and "When Government Debt Exceeds the 60% Threshold: debt policies in Armenia and Slovakia" to junior international students.

During the meetings with the representatives of the partner university’s academic staff, Narek Karapetyan introduced the scientific potential of ASUE, as well as spoke about the research activities carried out by "Amberd" Research Center.

ASUE lecturer also participated in the workshop on "Global Challenges of the Circular Economy" held at the university within the frames of "Erasmus+", as well as had meetings and productive discussions with the representatives of the academic staff from other European universities.