New Online Book at ASUE Library

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Dear ASUE members,

we are glad to inform you that ASUE online library has been replenished with a new book "Lecture Materials of "Tax System" course". The author is an Associate Professor of the Chair of Finance, Ph.D in Economics. Karine Mikayelyan.

The Chair of Finance. It is mentioned in the introduction that the lecture materials were compiled in accordance with the educational program of ASUE "Tax System" course. The main processes related to the tax system, the important provisions of the RA Tax Code related to certain types of taxes, as well as other issues related to the sphere were presented and clarified.

The information contained in the book can be useful and interesting not only for ASUE, but also for students of economic specialties of other Universities, employees of tax bodies, persons related to the tax system. The electronic version of the book - here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division