New Cooperation Aimed at University-business Environment Integration

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Today, on January 31, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and the Director of the First Business School Tsovinar Sargsyan signed a memorandum aimed at strengthening the University-labor market relationship, specialization of students, enrichment of practical internship, in particular to build quality, competitive labor resources, to achieve the goals of succeeding in the labor market.

The memorandum defines that the University of Economics and the First Business School can jointly implement international cooperation programs, including joint training courses and the organization of students' internship in abroad.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, welcoming the cooperation, mentioned that the University of Economics was open to discuss every proposal of cooperation and to implement it. ASUE Rector is convinced that the cooperation will contribute to the development of students' professional abilities and skills.

Tsovinar Sargsyan mentioned that the main direction of the organization's activity is the integration of the University-business environment.

"I am proud to mention that I am here both as a representative of the Business School and as an ASUE graduate. This obliges me to do my best to integrate ASUE graduates into the development processes of the University"; Tsovinar Sargsyan noted.

She added that the First Business School has a comprehensive scope of cooperation with more than 150 local companies and can become a common platform for guiding cooperation perspectives among ASUE and large organizations operating in the business environment.