New Horizons of Cooperation: ASUE and HayPost Signed a Memorandum

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On September 23, Diana Galoyan, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics, and Hayk Karapetyan, Chief Executive Officer of HayPost CJSC, signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at improving the quality of students' education, enriching practical experience.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan expressed confidence that the bilateral cooperation will serve as an effective platform for the implementation of joint programs.

"The 21st century has its demands. Not using all our potential and not investing it in raising the development of education to a qualitatively new level will mean doing nothing. We welcome the active efforts of HayPost in this direction. I think we will have quite interesting discussions in the near future, we will choose a strategy that will stimulate and strengthen our cooperation. I am more than sure if we combine our efforts, the desired result will not wait"; Diana Galoyan stated.

Hayk Karapetyan, CEO of HayPost CJSC, presented the company's ideas on the prospects of cooperation, assuring that the cooperation has visible development prospects. “By the new cooperation with ASUE, we will give our young people a chance to get practical, in-depth knowledge shared by our employees, who are professionals in the field. So, we will also enable the students to work at HayPost, to be continuously educated and to be developed in an atmosphere of unity and cooperation”.

The memorandum states holding students' educational and research internships in the company, conducting open lectures, seminars and professional discussions.

As a result of bilateral cooperation, students are provided with employment opportunities.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division