New Cooperation For the Sake of Disability Students with Special Educational Needs

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On September 9 , Diana Galoyan, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics, Lusine Danielyan, the Director of ASUE External Relations Department, Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Lifelong Learning Division, were hosted by Susanna Tadevosyan, Chair of the "Bridge of Hope" NGO defending the rights of disability children and youth.

The parties signed memorandum of understanding, which confirms the readiness to support the implementation of the "Inclusive Developments for the Benefit of a Just and Accountable Society" program in the Republic of Armenia.

537 ASUE students participated in the last war. Some of them became disabled as a result of the war. How to ensure their full involvement in the education process, what new approaches should be used to organize the letter? These are issues that require systemic solutions. "ASUE is ready to be the first among the RA universities to discuss those problems step by step, to find out solutions. But we will be glad that this initiative will have a chain effect for other universities as well"; Diana Galoyan mentioned.

"The 44-day war was a signal to pay more attention to the problem, there are many problems, and we intend to respond to these problems in the action plan - 2021. 537 ASUE students took part in the war, it is necessary to assess their needs "; Diana Galoyan mentioned, assuring that ASUE will continue to support the full inclusion of disability students with special educational needs in education process.

"This memorandum is very important for moving forward with more concrete and realistic steps in the foreseeable future"; Susanna Tadevosyan, Chair of the "Bridge of Hope" NGO, stated thanking ASUE Rector for taking the initiative.

The signed document aims to coordinate the effective cooperation of "Bridge of Hope" organization and "ASUE", to confirm the readiness of the parties to support the processes of reform of the educational system in Armenia, disability students with special educational needs and multifaceted development of them as full citizens of the society.

The parties agreed to promote ASUE lecturers’ and students’ cooperation with non-governmental organizations dealing with disability issues, to raise staff awareness on these issues and to change the attitude of the University towards disability and/or new approaches to the organization of education for people with special educational needs, based on human rights.

In this context, it is envisaged to create infrastructures in ASUE for disability students with special educational needs, and "Bridge of Hope" NGO is ready to help with its valuable advice. It is planned to cooperate in the process of development and implementation of educational programs, jointly organize seminars, discussions, campaigns and public events. The possibility of establishing a support center at the University was also discussed at the meeting.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division