“Neet to Work” International Seminar Launched

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David Budaghyan, Executive Director of German "Copernicus Berlin" Association, and Aleksandrs Posts, a representative of the Copernicus Berlin Association and director of the Latvian Youth Development Center, are in Armenia. The goal of being hosted in Armenia, particularly at the University of Economics, is the series of international seminars held within the frames of cooperation between the Association and ASUE. Today, on September 10, the seminar/training course entitled "Neet to Work" launched, and will continue until September 17.

Anzhelika Musayelyan, Head of ASUE International Relations Division, stated that about a dozen students selected from ASUE and around 30 students from the different EU countries (Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, Poland) will have an unique opportunity to share experience and knowledge during the seminars. The organizers of the program care about that in addition to participating in the seminars, the foreign guests will be able to get to know Armenia, taste the national dishes, communicate with the Armenian youth, so that they leave our country with only good impressions.

In his opening remarks at the International Seminar/training course, Aleksandrs Posts, a representative of the Copernicus Berlin Association and director of the Latvian Youth Development Center, thanked the University for its warm hospitality. He mentioned that he is already impressed by the warm attitude of our country, the people, he has no doubt that the seminar will be effective, opening new doors for further cooperation.

While being interviewed, the executive director of the Association Davit Budaghyan mentioned that he was impressed by his previous visit to Armenia, and hopes to see the results registered from the previous cooperation with ASUE this time.

"We decided to hold a series of international seminars together with the University of Economics again, because from the very beginning of the program we admired the readiness of the University and the warm attitude towards our programs. It is no secret, that we are implementing similar programs in other countries, such as Germany, Spain, etc., and in November-December we will have international seminars in Berlin. I am pleased to note that we’ll enable Armenian students, who will mainly represent the University of Economics, to participate in those seminars. I think it will be a stimulus for students to be more active and involved in such programs"; David Budaghyan stated.

Taking advantage of the international educational programs implemented within the frames of the "Copernicus Berlin" program and the prospects opening up for students, David Budaghyan noted that the Association strongly attaches the exchange of experience between various specialists and students. "As a result of such programs, new ones, new ideas are usually born, the authors of which are the participants. Since we are in Armenia now, I am more than sure that new and interesting ideas will be born, in which the University of Economics will play a big role."

Let’s note, international seminar/training course (in English) on  Human Change Not Climate Change will be held on September 15-23 within the frames of cooperation between ASUE and “Copernicus Berlin” Association.

Let’s recall, the cooperation between the Armenian State University of Economics and "Copernicus Berlin" Association, started at the beginning of this year has developed quite effectively. Students of the University of Economics are already involved in international educational and internship programs, enabling them to develop their professional skills and get acquainted with the international labor market.

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