New Publication: Rafayel Yervandyan's Memories on the Reader's Table

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“Eternal Memories” - Rafayel Yervandyan’s new book about the author’s past days: the childhood and adolescence, pain, longing, full of exciting moments, a whole historical period - the events of the native land, bright images, beautiful landscapes, taste and charm of the dialect.

The writer-psychologist invisibly guides us into that real world and communicates with his own longing, transmits his sensuality.

Rafayel Yervandyan is the founder-editor of ASUE official “Tntesaget” magazine (1977-2004), executive secretary of “Messenger of ASUE” scientific journal (2004-2011). We congratulate Rafayel Yervandyan on the release of a new book and wish him health, energy, creative search and new publications.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division