ASUE Research Center "Amberd" appeared in the focus of the TV show "Sur Ankyun"

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A study realized in the Research Center of Armenian State University of Economics "Amberd" - "Large-scale housing construction as the direction of economic growth and symmetric economic development through stimulating production" appeared in the focus of the TV show "Sur Ankyun".

Recall that the idea of the research on this topic belongs to the Rector of ASUE, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Koryun Atoyan, who also supervised the research team.

The members of the research group were Associate Professors David Hakhverdyan, Tatul Mkrtchyan, Armen Grigoryan, Karen Hakobyan.   The study has also been discussed in RA Government and professional circles.

Find the TV show at the following link, starting with 1.26 minutes:

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.