English language exam was held at the Gyumri Branch

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ASUE Foreign Relations Division informs that today, March 25, English language exam was held at the ASUE Gyumri branch, within the framework of the program "Erasmus +".

As it was reported previously, Vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, head of the Foreign Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan and chief specialist of the Division Margarita Marukyan met ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch students and presented "Erasmus +" program. The students were provided with the information about the application order, program conditions, as well as scholarships. 

            Recall that he UniversityofMiskolc (Hungary) and University of Pula (Croatia) invite one student from ASUE Yeghegnadzor and Gyumri branches to participate in the "Erasmus +" exchange program during the first semester of 2016-2017 academic year. In order to participate a Europass CV, motivation letter and a scanned copy of the student's record book must be sent to the e-mail address of Foreign Relations Division. To qualify, the students  must take a test in English.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.