First issue of “Tntesaget” magazine of 2016

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Dear readers of the January-February issue of "Tntesaget" magazine was published.

At the beginning of the year "Tntesaget" magazine addressed to the important events of the University: analyzed and summarized the achievements of 2015 and outlined the further steps. Each year, on the day of the Armenian Army, we appeal to the army, army life, issues of military-patriotic education. We present ASUE students, who fulfilled their sacred duty.

On January 1 the 130th anniversary of the birth of a great patriot, philosopher and soldier Garegin Nzhdeh marked. Head of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, Professor Aram Sagsyan encourages students to love the motherland like Nzhdeh, remembering the words of the great thinker.

ASUE Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, presents the achievements and the continuous process of scientific activities of the university.

Associate Professor Samvel Grigoryan presents interesting economic news and economic crossword in "Economic mosaic" section.

Head of the chair of International Economic Relations, Associate Professor Grigor Nazaryan identifies and briefly presents current trends in the world economy.

The section "Our gifted" again delivers a new detection: this time our hero is master students Mariam Hakobyan.

On February 29, Professor Grigor Kirakosyan turned 80 years old. The magazine  is introducing Rector Koryun Atoyan`s congratulatory message.

Find the electronic version here:

Enjoy your reading.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.