"IRTEK" Database will now be available to ASUE students

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On the initiative and with the financial support of the Legal Information Center "(IRTEK)", a program of legal and informational support to higher and junior vocational schools (which are training professionals in the finance and economic legal spheres) is being implemented. In the frames of this program, representatives of "IRTEK" Aram Avagyan and Ani Avagyan visited our university today. The program is implemented in ASUE: "IRTEK" Database is now available to our students.

The meeting was organized by ASUE Career and Marketing Center. Library Director Armine Hovhannisyan, head of the Center of Information Technologies Samvel Hovhannisyan, Chief Specialist of Marketing and Career Center Grisha Amirkhanyan were present at the meeting.

According to Aram Avagyan, the program "IRTEK" in ASUE gives you the opportunity to receive high-quality and reliable legal information, be aware of changes in the RA legislation, as well as develop skills to work with legal information.

Note that the program is implemented in our university library and reading rooms.

By the way, the program is a paid one, but in our university it is free.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.