SSS session has launched

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A new session of student scientific society started at ASUE on March 16.

According to SSS Chairman Harutyun Arzumanyan, there is a great enthusiasm in department SSS.

"Today the meeting was held in two departments – Department of Finance and Marketing.  Yesterday the session was held at Management Department. Other departments will organize the sessions in the nearest days."

Today we attended the meeting of the Finance Department, where 13 students will serve reports until the end of the day.

Head of the chair of Finance Ashot Salnazaryan opened the session and wished good luck to the members of the SSS. Coordinator of the SSS of Finance Department is Associate Professor Edgar Aghabekyan, Chairman - Lilit Arakelyan. The first report was presented by Nune Mkrtchyan on "Repo - agreements".

Note that the students who took the 1-3 places in department sessions, will take part in the next - university tour, which is scheduled for early May.

We wish success to the participants!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.