An event dedicated to Vazgen Sargsyan`s 57th anniversary

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On March 5, at the initiative of the Student Council of ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch an event dedicated to the 57th anniversary of the Armenian state and military figure, writer Vazgen Sargsyan took place.

During the event, the students presented the biography of Vazgen Sargsyan, told the details of the life of the great Armenian.

"People do not know me. Only people, who stand close to me, know me. The rest knows me with a beard, know angry, perspiring. My present image is like that. People fear me. They created an image of a bear for themselves and they frighten each other": these are sparapet`s words that students cited.

At the end of the event, the director of the branch Sos Khachikyan stressed the importance of such events.

Photos provided by the branch.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.