Book-gift to the advanced students

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Today "Armenian language" lesson for freshmen of International economic relations specialty differed from the usual: Lecturer Rima Maloyan presented training and practical guides to students with high academic performance. Special guests of the lesson were the head of the Languages chair Susanna Chalabyan and the head of the chair of International Economic Relations Grigor Nazaryan.

          According to Rima Maloyan, this initiative aims at encouraging the promotion of advanced students. The teacher also gave book to the students, who just returned from the army - Hayk Stepanyan, Virab Grigoryan and Tigran Tumanyan.

Speeches were made by Grigor Nazaryan and Susanna Chalabyan. They stressed the necessity of a good knowledge of the mother tongue for students of economic specialty. Heads of chairs expressed their gratitude to Rima Maloyan for an interesting initiative.

During the lesson, they discussed issues about the purity of the Armenian language, unnecessary use of foreign words, and other pressing problems of our native language.

Professor`s initiative has caused great inspiration for students.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.