A fruitful way of a scientist, professor and a leader: Grigor Kirakosyan`s 80th anniversary

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Today the prominent representatives of the Armenian economic thought, scholar and professor who has made a great contribution to the creation and development of the Armenian State University of Economics, rector of ASUE in 1993-2006, Rector`s Advisor since 2012, Doctor of Sciences, professor Grigor Kirakosyan turns 80 years old.

 The role of the well-known intellectual, scientist, manager and citizen in the building of the Armenian economic thought, education, upbringing of generations, is invaluable.

 Grigor Kirakosyan was born in 1936 in the village Ashnak (Aragatsotn marz). In 1953, he graduated from the local high school, in 1965 from the Yerevan State University (Faculty of Economics). In 1965-1967, he worked at the Yerevan trade and economic technical school, then in 1967 became a post-graduate student of Yerevan State University. In 1971, he defended his thesis on "The economic law of compensation of material costs of labor reproduction" and was promoted to associate professor.

 Since 1975 he was  an associate professor of Political economy chair. He taught and continued his fruitful research work. In 1989 he defended his doctoral thesis on "The cost of reproduction of the labor force" at the Tbilisi State University and received the degree of Doctor of Sciences and a title of professor.

 In 1989-1991, he became the Head of the chair of Political Economy and in 1991-1993 - University Vice Rector for Academic Affairs.

 In 1993, Grigor Kirakosyan was appointed as the Rector of the University and remained in this position for 13 years

In 1995, he was awarded the medal of "Anania Shirakatsi".

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division congratulates the anniversary of Grigor Kirakosyan, wishes him good health, energy, optimism and longevity!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.