Part-time graduates of Marketing and business management Department received diplomas: DJ Vaccine is an honored graduate of ASUE (Photos)

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Today, graduates of 2015 of Marketing and business management Department solemnly received master's degree diplomas.

The Head of Marketing chair, Professor Ararat Zakarian said that they had 23 graduates in Marketing communications specialty and 13 graduates in Marketing research specialty. Head of the chair handed diplomas and wished good luck to the graduates.

DJ Vaccine (Arusyak Mkrtchyan) was also among ASUE graduates. She received a diploma of honors (red).

In an interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division DJ Vaccine noted that she had received the 2nd specialty at ASUE (first profession is biologist).

According to the head of the chair, the results of master's theses defense were (December, 2015) were satisfactory.

            Congratulations to ASUE graduates. We wish them good luck.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.