ASUE student - among the best students of RA

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Among the 39 winners of the republican contest "Best Student-2015", organized by the RA Ministry of Education and Science, which has been held for 3 years in a row is the graduate student of the Financial department of ASUE Lilit Arakelyan. Students from different universities participated in the competition.

Our student won the 3rd place in the field of social science. Recall that the awarding ceremony was held yesterday, Rector of the University Koryun Atoyan also attended the ceremony.

In an interview with the ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Lilit said that she was proud to present the Economic University. At the competition student's academic performance (RMS), social activity, experience of scientific work were taken into account.

"I am grateful to my professors for believing in my knowledge. I am honored to represent our university in this competition. Congratulations to all the winners! "- said Lilit and added that she was especially grateful to Rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector Gagik Vardanyan, the dean of financial faculty Vahe Mikaelyan, head of the chair of Finance Ashot Salnazaryan, director of "Amberd" center Samvel Avetisyan, who always support the students.

Note that students-winners were awarded with certificates and disposable stipends: first place - 440 thousand drams, 2nd place - 228,500 drams, 3rd place - 200 thousand drams.

Congratulations to our student, we wish her new successes!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.