15 students will be taught in European universities during the second semester

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According to Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan ASUE 15 students will be trained in European universities in the framework of the program "Erasmus" in the second semester of 2015-2016 academic year. Today Rectorate Board discussed the organization of the academic holidays to above mentioned students. In response to questions from Board members Vard Ghukasyan provided explanations.

Vice Rector Gagik Vardayan presented the question of distribution of the new edition of the head of the Chair of Law and Political Science Luba Mehrabyan, which was approved by the Board. Chairman of the student body, Sergei Kharatyan reminded the deans of the deadline AYF scholarships,  which can be found here: http://media.asue.am/upload/Heh.pdf.

Rector also discussed current issues.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.